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Take charge of your online safety with Sapher

Get started for free – download the extension.

We’re making website browsing Sapher to explore.

Are you tired of feeling overwhelmed by outdated cybersecurity methods that no longer cut it? You’re not alone!

Antivirus and VPN protection are no longer enough to keep up with the ever-evolving landscape of cyber threats. A more advanced solution is needed, with over 450,000 new threats detected daily (source).

Enter Sapher. Unlike traditional cyber security tools, Sapher offers cutting-edge protection beyond known threat alerts and location masking. Our advanced technology analyses website behaviour in real time and constantly learns to identify and block new and emerging online dangers.

Confidently navigate the digital landscape.

Say goodbye to frustration and confusion, and hello to a safer online experience with Sapher.
No credit card required.

Don’t settle for outdated cyber security methods that leave you vulnerable to cyber threats.

Upgrade to Sapher today and experience the difference for yourself.

How Sapher keeps you safe

As a discreet browser extension, Sapher deploys an advanced shield system that monitors your online activity continuously.

Acting as your vigilant background guardian, Sapher:

Blocks Fraudulent Websites

Identifies and prevents fake online stores and phishing attempts from stealing your personal information.

Stops Malware and Data Theft

Our technology safeguards your data by intercepting malicious attempts through links and downloads.

Proactive Threat Detection

Sapher halts known threats and utilises intelligent algorithms to analyse website behaviour, constantly adapting to identify and block emerging online dangers.

Sign up and trial the ultimate online security experience.

Get started for free – download the extension.

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